Pending: 0 Building: 0 Running: 2 Failed: 18
Created Date Type Name Commit Description State Age Up Time Life Time Action
merged [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be root [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be root It is not so human being when sending ticket submission notification using the partner itself as the sender Succeed
merged [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be root [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be root It is not so human being when sending ticket submission notification using the partner itself as the sender Killed
merged [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be admin [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be root It is not so human being when sending ticket submission notification using the partner itself as the sender Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be admin [FIX] viin_website_helpdesk: send mail user should be admin It is not so human being when sendding ticket submission notification using the partner itself as the sender Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FIX][14.0] to_base: fix resize search panel [FIX] to_base: fix resize search panel - The width slider is scrolled beyond the screen height Succeed
merged wip[FIX][14.0] to_base: fix resize search panel [FIX] to_base: fix resize search panel Killed
merged [14.0][FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record [FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to compute field. In the old default function, self will be empty when creating a new record => the default value is always False. Killed
merged [14.0][FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record [FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record. Killed Not finished
merged [MISC] to_base, to_sales_target_sale: move code from to_sales_target_sale into to_base to can upgrade module sale_crm with -u [MISC] to_base, to_sales_target_sale: move code from to_sales_target_sale into to_base to can upgrade module sale_crm with -u details at Killed
merged [FIX] to_sales_target_sale: cannot upgrade module sale_crm [FIX] to_sales_target_sale: cannot upgrade module sale_crm Cannot upgrade module sale_crm when target_sales_invoiced field stores a value greater than int4. Because when upgrading, the default will convert float to int4 causing an error psycopg2.errors.NumericValueOutOfRange Killed
merged [IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel [IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content. Killed Not finished
merged WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel [IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content. Killed
merged WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel [IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content. Killed
merged WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel [IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content. Killed Not finished
merged WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel [IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content. Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FIX] viin_mail_show_recipient: Error sending email when email_formatted = False [FIX] viin_mail_show_recipient: Error sending email when email_formatted = False Signed-off-by: davidtranhp Killed
merged [FWD][14.0][I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo [I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo Forward-Port-Of: #10135 Killed
merged [MISC+FIX][14.0] to_hr_payroll: use payroll localization category instead localization [MISC+FIX] to_hr_payroll: use payroll localization category instead localization -Odoo provide payroll localization at we should use that instead. This commit also fix wrong category set on action 'open_payroll_modules' Killed
to_merge [FIX] [14.0] to_hr_timesheet_approval: fix auto approve [FIX] to_hr_timesheet_approval: fix auto approve Killed
merged [FIX] [14.0] l10n_vn_viin_stock_reports_s11dn_xlsx: fix runbot [FIX] l10n_vn_viin_stock_reports_s11dn_xlsx: fix runbot Failed
merged [FIX] [14.0] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year [FIX] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year Failed