
Pending: 7 Building: 3 Running: 44 Failed: 1586

[FIX] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year

PR: [FIX] [14.0] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo

PR: [I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo

Committer: David Tran

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo

PR: [I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[MISC+FIX] to_hr_payroll: use payroll localization category instead localization -Odoo provide payroll localization at we should use that instead. This commit also fix wrong category set on action 'open_payroll_modules'

PR: [MISC+FIX][14.0] to_hr_payroll: use payroll localization category instead localization

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] to_hr_timesheet_approval: fix auto approve

PR: [FIX] [14.0] to_hr_timesheet_approval: fix auto approve

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: to_merge

age: up-time:

[FIX] to_base: fix resize search panel

PR: wip[FIX][14.0] to_base: fix resize search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to compute field. In the old default function, self will be empty when creating a new record => the default value is always False.

PR: [14.0][FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record

Committer: AnhBT

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record.

PR: [14.0][FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record

Committer: AnhBT

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[MISC] to_base, to_sales_target_sale: move code from to_sales_target_sale into to_base to can upgrade module sale_crm with -u details at

PR: [MISC] to_base, to_sales_target_sale: move code from to_sales_target_sale into to_base to can upgrade module sale_crm with -u

Committer: Roy Le

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] to_sales_target_sale: cannot upgrade module sale_crm Cannot upgrade module sale_crm when target_sales_invoiced field stores a value greater than int4. Because when upgrading, the default will convert float to int4 causing an error psycopg2.errors.NumericValueOutOfRange

PR: [FIX] to_sales_target_sale: cannot upgrade module sale_crm

Committer: Roy Le

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content.

PR: [IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content.

PR: WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content.

PR: WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content.

PR: WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel - Sometimes the content in the search panel is too long and needs to be expanded to be able to see the entire content - This commit arose after increasing the font size of the entire software, causing the fixed width of the search to sometimes not meet the content.

PR: WIP[IMP][14.0] to_base: Allows you to expand the search panel

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[FIX] viin_mail_show_recipient: Error sending email when email_formatted = False Signed-off-by: davidtranhp

PR: [FIX] viin_mail_show_recipient: Error sending email when email_formatted = False

Committer: Roy Le

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo Forward-Port-Of: #10135

PR: [FWD][14.0][I18n] to_hr_payroll: fix typo

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] l10n_vn_viin_stock_reports_s11dn_xlsx: fix runbot

PR: [FIX] [14.0] l10n_vn_viin_stock_reports_s11dn_xlsx: fix runbot

Committer: Dang Van Loc

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year

PR: [FIX] [14.0] viin_hr_overtime: fix test new year

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_pos_refund: pos order might have 2 line same product but different price -Step to reproduce: create a pos order with 2 line of same product, first product we set the default price as it currently, the second one we set different price -> Confirm -> create invoice -> Go to pos ui to refund -> Singleton error happen -Solution: beside filter using product_id, we also filter using price_unit. In case pos user not changing the price but add discount then this filtered is still correct.

PR: [FIX][15.0] viin_pos_refund: pos order might have 2 line same product but different price

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[MISC] to_hr_expense: rename field as odoo have the same but different type -New PR merge upstream from v15 with latest odoo commit 230e5beba518c7bfdaedbf4587e25e20c490d4e8 has add a field call 'expense_sheet_id' (one2many) in module sale_expense, we have this field but with type is many2one. -So there are a few cases here: Case 1: Customers using odoo 15 and have latest code from odoo. If they buy and install to_hr_expense, expense_sheet_id will be changed to many2one, expense_sheet_id one2many field will no longer exist -> this is really bad because it will definitely cause errors. Case 2: The customer has purchased the to_hr_expense module without the latest code from odoo 15, the customer's server (not yet installed sale_expense) updates the latest code from odoo 15, then install the sale_expense field, the expense_sheet_id field is still only many2one defined by the to_hr_expense module (tested twice but still dont get it why it still many2one, well never mind) ==>>>>> With both 2 cases, this commit will always cover: we change 'expense_sheet_id' to 'viin_expense_sheet_id' (just like we did when upgrade to 16) , and of course change the related logic, add migration script to change the field name (change in ir_model_fields table and rename column). ***NOTE: - This commit also remove some redundant code and when forward it to v16/master + only change the code which has been removed in the init file (the pre_init_hook) -Only notify the customer to get the latest and upgrade module and they will good to go.

PR: [MISC][15.0] to_hr_expense: rename field as odoo have the same but different type

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] viin_mail_route: Improve models filter on change thread wizard

PR: [IMP] viin_mail_route: Improve models filter on change thread wizard

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Building with script

age: up-time: Not finished

[UPG] to_fleet_stock_picking: upgrade for v15

PR: WIP [UPG] to_fleet_operation_planning: upgrade for v15

Committer: David Tran

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_mail_route: Fix query count tests

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[ADD] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[ADD] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[FIX] viin_mail_route: Fix automation test

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_erponline_utility: improve first login route

PR: [IMP][15.0] to_erponline_utility: improve first login route

Committer: haumenphai

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_hr_recruitment_approval: fix automation test - Edit the test to match the PR logic [FIX] viin_hr_recruitment_approval: avoid approval officer having recruitment user(10658) - Avoid approving staff with recruitment users. If you want, you need to add group_hr_recruitment_user permission group

PR: [FIX][15.0] viin_hr_recruitment_approval: fix automation test

Committer: quyen

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_erponline_utility: improve first login route

PR: [IMP][15.0] to_erponline_utility: improve first login route

Committer: haumenphai

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to compute field. In the old default function, self will be empty when creating a new record => the default value is always False. Forward-Port-Of: #10657

PR: [FWD][15.0][FIX] to_git_project: Change git_repository_id to a compute field because in the default function, self does not represent any record

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] viin_mail_route: Change field indexes

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] viin_mail_route: Add automation test

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] viin_mail_route: Add automation test

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] viin_mail_route: Update message on wizard, update manifest

PR: [ADD][15.0] viin_mail_route: Route emails between Odoo systems

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES on the Contract Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES without canceling the contract

PR: [IMP] [16.0] to_hr_payroll: Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES on the Contract

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[MISC] to_loan_management: update version

PR: [IMP][16.0] to_loan_management: register disbursement and principal refund should create payment alongside with journal entry

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[FIX] to_sale_team_advanced*: fix access rule

PR: [FIX] [16.0] to_sale_team_advanced*: fix access rule

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] viin_helpdesk_odoo_module: open tickets on odoo module view

PR: [IMP] [16.0] viin_helpdesk_odoo_module: open tickets on odoo module view

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: add WorkedDays object

PR: [IMP] [16.0] to_hr_payroll: add WorkedDays object

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace_website_sale_approval: fix error approve product

PR: [FIX] [16.0] viin_marketplace_website_sale_approval: fix error approve product

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: add WorkedDays object

PR: [IMP] [16.0] to_hr_payroll: add WorkedDays object

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace_website_sale_approval: fix error approve product

PR: [FIX] [16.0] viin_marketplace_website_sale_approval: fix error approve product

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace: fix comm fee state

PR: [FIX] [16.0] viin_marketplace: fix comm fee state

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace_website_sale: fix warring

PR: [FIX] [16.0] viin_marketplace_website_sale: fix warring

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[FIX] to_hr_payroll: fix runbot

PR: [IMP] [16.0] *contract: Important IMP - Remove readonly attributes

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_affiliate: fix bug timezone wrong

PR: [FIX][16.0] viin_affiliate: fix bug timezone wrong

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace*: fix bug module * Fix error 403 when access merchant store * Fix error product of merchant still published when merchant has been unactive

PR: [FIX][16.0] viin_marketplace_website_sale: fix error 403 when access merchant store

Committer: Khoa-Jocelyn

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace*: fix bug module * Fix error 403 when access merchant store * Fix error product of merchant still published when merchant has been unactive

PR: [FIX][16.0] viin_marketplace_website_sale: fix error 403 when access merchant store

Committer: Khoa-Jocelyn

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX] viin_marketplace_sale: fix add discount on line

PR: [FIX][16.0] viin_marketplace_sale: fix add discount on line

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time: Not finished

[FIX] viin_wallet_affiliate: fix wallet amount wrong

PR: [FIX][16.0] viin_wallet_affiliate: fix transfer into wallet amount wrong

Committer: Khoa-Jocelyn

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[FIX, IMP] viin_hr_overtime_payroll

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_overtime_payroll: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

Delete Date:

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_payroll_timesheet_wfh: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_payroll_timesheet_wfh: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

Delete Date:

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_payroll_timesheet_wfh: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_payroll_timesheet_wfh: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_overtime_payroll: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_overtime_payroll: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] to_hr_project_timesheet_timeoff_payroll: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] to_hr_project_timesheet_timeoff_payroll: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

Delete Date:

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_approvals: imp views

PR: [UPG] [17.0] to_approvals: upg to 17

Committer: Dang Van Loc

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

Delete Date:

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_overtime_timesheet_attendance: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_overtime_*: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_overtime_timesheet_attendance: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_overtime_*: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_hr_overtime_timesheet_attendance: upg for 17.0

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_hr_overtime_attendance: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_survey_exam: upgrade to 17.0

PR: WIP[UPG] viin_survey_exam: upgrade to 17.0

Committer: haumenphai

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: imp view generate payslips wizard

PR: [FIX] [17.0] to_hr_payroll: send email

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_attendance_device: device should be unique by serial number -Since [1]: we have allowed user to edit serial number, therefore need to constrain unique by serial number by device. -This commit allow to delete device commands because there might be some errors when connecting device for the first time so delete it to ensure all the command will be executed -Also only process data from device when in confirmed state Ticket: 1: 3535236e1019bc3b7f91e0343c35b453434e514b

PR: [FIX][17.0] to_attendance_device: wrong user name when upgrade employee to device by icloud

Committer: Nguyễn Đại Dương

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: set private address

PR: [FIX] [17.0] to_hr_payroll: send email

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] edi: imp

PR: WIP: [UPG] l10n_vn_viin_edi*: einvoice 17.0 yeahhh

Committer: Nguyễn Đại Dương

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_base: Improve _validate_period_name parameters

PR: [IMP] to_base: Improve _validate_period_name parameters

Committer: Giang Pham

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Pending in queue

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[UPG] viin_sale_crm_follower_access_right: upg to 17

PR: [UPG] [17.0] viin_sale_crm_follower_access_right: upg to 17

Committer: Dang Van Loc

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

Building with script

age: up-time: Not finished

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: refactor code

PR: [UPG] [17.0] to_hr_payroll: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: imp salary cycle Only concerned with the number of days shifted in the range from 0 to 27

PR: [UPG] [17.0] to_hr_payroll: upg for 17.0

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/16.0' into fwd_16_to_master_4_4_2024_01

PR: Fwd 16 to master 4 4 2024 01

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/16.0' into fwd_16_to_master_4_4_2024_01

PR: Fwd 16 to master 4 4 2024 01

Committer: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:


PR: [IMP][17.0] to_base: remove cron delete orphan mail message

Committer: GitHub

Instance ID: 0

PR State: merged

age: up-time:

[UPG] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: up-time:

[UPG] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[UPG] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: up-time: Not finished

[UPG] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished

[FIX] to_erponline_utility: fix wrong module state after close wizard Forward-Port-Of: #10637

PR: [FWD][master][FIX] to_erponline_utility: fix wrong module state after close wizard

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: closed

age: up-time:

[UPG] to_git: Update to Odoo 17.0 Forward-Port-Of: #10559

PR: [FWD][master][UPG] to_git: Update to Odoo 17.0

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: closed

age: up-time:

[UPG] to_odoo_version: upgrade to 17.0 Forward-Port-Of: #10410

PR: [FWD][master][UPG] to_odoo_version: upgrade to 17.0

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: closed

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_odoo_version: Add data for version 17.0 Forward-Port-Of: #10627

PR: [FWD][master][IMP] to_odoo_version: Add data for version 17.0

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: closed

age: up-time:

[UPG] viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: up-time:

[UPG] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

PR: [UPG][17.0] l10n_vn_viin_account_auto_transfer: Upgrade 17.0

Committer: Trinh Ngoc Hung

Instance ID: 0

PR State: open

age: up-time:

[IMP] to_hr_payroll: Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES on the Contract Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES without canceling the contract Signed-off-by: vietphuong-viindoo

PR: [FWD][master][IMP] to_hr_payroll: Allows editing MONTHLY ADVANTAGES on the Contract

Committer: Viinbot

Instance ID: 0

PR State: closed

age: Not finished up-time: Not finished