Pending: 0 Building: 0 Running: 0 Failed: 94
Created Date Type Name Commit Description State Age Up Time Life Time Action
merged [FWD][master][FIX] viin_mrp_landed_costs: account move for qty out of child MO [FIX] viin_mrp_landed_costs: account move for qty of child MO - Create MO2 with child MO1 - Validate Landed cost: manufacturer overhead for child MO1 - Check journal entry of landed cost Current: journal entry of qty out with account: Costs of goods sold Expectation: journal entry of qty out with account: Work in progress Forward-Port-Of: #2384 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][FIX] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: rounding error [FIX] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: rounding error Forward-Port-Of: #2387 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][FIX] viin_mrp: incorrect qty of Unbuild Orders [FIX] viin_mrp: incorrect qty of Unbuild Orders ticket: Forward-Port-Of: #2362 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][FIX] viin_mrp: avoid conflict context name and only keep product_uom_qty of stock move raw, to know the initial to consume quantity [FIX] viin_mrp: avoid conflict context name and only keep product_uom_qty of stock move raw, to know the initial to consume quantity Forward-Port-Of: #2385 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][IMP] viin_mrp_landed_costs: Do not apply landed costs to byproducts without cost share [IMP] viin_mrp_landed_costs: Do not apply landed costs to byproducts without cost share Forward-Port-Of: #2380 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][IMP] viin_web_gantt: show % progress if progress > 100 [IMP] viin_web_gantt: show % progress if progress > 100 Forward-Port-Of: #2381 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][IMP] viin_mrp_landed_costs: required when choose mrp production in landed costs [IMP] viin_mrp_landed_costs: required when choose mrp production in landed costs Forward-Port-Of: #2374 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][IMP] viin_web_gantt: imp view [IMP] viin_web_gantt: show progress with small dimensions Forward-Port-Of: #2339 Killed Not finished
closed [FWD][master][FIX] viin_sale_subscription: Correct computation of payment due date [FIX] viin_sale_subscription: Correct computation of payment due date Forward-Port-Of: #2365 Failed
merged [FWD][master]WIP: [MISC] viin_features_activate_purchase: remove wrong sequence key in manifest [MISC] *: remove wrong sequence key in manifest -This also remove warning on test_manifest_value on v17 Forward-Port-Of: #2372 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [MISC][17.0] *: remove some unnecessary manifest key due to the odoo test_manifest [MISC] *: remove some unnecessary manifest key due to the odoo test_manifest -Odoo has test_manifest value at , we should define manifest key that have same default value Killed
closed [MISC][17.0] *: fix test_lint for v17 [MISC] *: fix test_lint for v17 Failed
merged [FWD][master][MISC] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: ocal variable 'byproduct' is assigned to but never used [MISC] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: ocal variable 'byproduct' is assigned to but never used Forward-Port-Of: #2367 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][FIX] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: Expected singleton [FIX] to_mrp_account_standard_consumption: Expected singleton Forward-Port-Of: #2363 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [FWD][master][IMP] viin_rental_stock: refactor code to avoid unexpected errors when running test test_2_steps_fixed_procurement_propagation_with_backorder [IMP] viin_rental_stock: refactor code to avoid unexpected errors when running test test_2_steps_fixed_procurement_propagation_with_backorder Forward-Port-Of: #2359 Killed Not started Not finished
merged [MISC] viin_customizer_web_responsive: temporarily disable due to [MISC] viin_customizer_web_responsive: temporarily disable due to changes in web_responsive The view web_responsive.AppsMenuAction was removed by and casued the following error: ``` Subbuild # 198374: odoo.http: Exception during request handling. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 85, in lookup r = d[key] File "<decorator-gen-8>", line 2, in __getitem__ File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 87, in locked return func(inst, *args, **kwargs) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 34, in __getitem__ a = self.d[obj] KeyError: ('ir.qweb', <function IrQWeb._generate_asset_nodes_cache at 0x7fc2f85805e0>, 'web.assets_backend', False, True, '', False, False, False, False, ('en_US', None, None, None, None, None, None)) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<949>", line 353, in template_949 File "<949>", line 335, in template_949_content File "<949>", line 282, in template_949_t_call_0 File "<949>", line 191, in template_949_t_set_2 File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2422, in _get_asset_nodes return self._generate_asset_nodes_cache(bundle, css, js, debug, async_load, defer_load, lazy_load, media) File "<decorator-gen-71>", line 2, in _generate_asset_nodes_cache File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 90, in lookup value = d[key] = self.method(*args, **kwargs) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2477, in _generate_asset_nodes_cache return self._generate_asset_nodes(bundle, css, js, debug, async_load, defer_load, lazy_load, media) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2551, in _generate_asset_nodes return remains + asset.to_node(css=css, js=js, debug=debug, async_load=async_load, defer_load=defer_load, lazy_load=lazy_load) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 181, in to_node js_attachment = self.js(is_minified=not is_debug_assets) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 405, in js content.append(self.xml(show_inherit_info=not is_minified)) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 532, in xml raise ValueError(_("Cannot create %r because the template to inherit %r is not found.") % (f'{addon}.{template_name}', f'{parent_addon}.{parent_name}')) ValueError: Cannot create 'viin_customizer_web_responsive.None' because the template to inherit 'web_responsive.AppsMenuAction' is not found. ``` Forward-Port-Of: #2354 Killed Not started Not finished
closed [FWD][master][MISC] viin_customizer_web_responsive: temporarily disable due to changes in web_responsive [MISC] viin_customizer_web_responsive: temporarily disable due to changes in web_responsive The view web_responsive.AppsMenuAction was removed by and casued the following error: ``` Subbuild # 198374: odoo.http: Exception during request handling. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 85, in lookup r = d[key] File "<decorator-gen-8>", line 2, in __getitem__ File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 87, in locked return func(inst, *args, **kwargs) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 34, in __getitem__ a = self.d[obj] KeyError: ('ir.qweb', <function IrQWeb._generate_asset_nodes_cache at 0x7fc2f85805e0>, 'web.assets_backend', False, True, '', False, False, False, False, ('en_US', None, None, None, None, None, None)) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<949>", line 353, in template_949 File "<949>", line 335, in template_949_content File "<949>", line 282, in template_949_t_call_0 File "<949>", line 191, in template_949_t_set_2 File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2422, in _get_asset_nodes return self._generate_asset_nodes_cache(bundle, css, js, debug, async_load, defer_load, lazy_load, media) File "<decorator-gen-71>", line 2, in _generate_asset_nodes_cache File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/tools/", line 90, in lookup value = d[key] = self.method(*args, **kwargs) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2477, in _generate_asset_nodes_cache return self._generate_asset_nodes(bundle, css, js, debug, async_load, defer_load, lazy_load, media) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 2551, in _generate_asset_nodes return remains + asset.to_node(css=css, js=js, debug=debug, async_load=async_load, defer_load=defer_load, lazy_load=lazy_load) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 181, in to_node js_attachment = self.js(is_minified=not is_debug_assets) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 405, in js content.append(self.xml(show_inherit_info=not is_minified)) File "/data/build/Viindoo-odoo-16.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 532, in xml raise ValueError(_("Cannot create %r because the template to inherit %r is not found.") % (f'{addon}.{template_name}', f'{parent_addon}.{parent_name}')) ValueError: Cannot create 'viin_customizer_web_responsive.None' because the template to inherit 'web_responsive.AppsMenuAction' is not found. ``` Forward-Port-Of: #2354 Killed Not finished
merged Fwd from 16 to master 20240206 01 Merge remote-tracking branch 'Viindoo/16.0' Failed
closed [FWD][master][IMP] viin_sale_subscription: Do not update price unit of non-subsribe items [IMP] viin_sale_subscription: Do not update price unit of non-subsribe items Forward-Port-Of: #2331 Failed
merged [MISC] *: set auto_install = False for v17 upgrade [MISC] *: set auto_install = False for v17 upgrade Killed Not finished
closed [MISC][MASTER] *: set auto_install to false [MISC] *: set auto_install to false Failed