Name: [FIX] loyalty: default product for reward in multi company

State: Killed

PR State: merged

PR Author: Roy Le

PR Author Email:

PR: #1080

Committer: Roy Le

Committer Email:

Commit: 45e4c2e7ef7ff99fbe477162f5b042cf3e380be9


                                            [FIX] loyalty: default product for reward in multi company

Steps to reproduce:
- being in a multi-company environment;
- have one product made that is first in alphabetical
    order of "Internal Reference" throughout the database (e.g. [AAA]);
- make this product specific to one of the companies
    (set the "Company" field on the product template)
- go into a different company within the database
    (not the one set on this product);
- create a new discount & loyalty record, and set
    the "Program Type" to "Discount Code".

An access rights error occurs.

When creating a `promo_code` program, we use the first product
that can be sold in the default reward values.

Take into account the company in the domain that retrieves
the default product.

Branch: 16.0

Instance ID: 0

Age: Not started

Up-time: Not finished