Name: WIP[FIX][15.0] to_partner_dob_send_email: fix automation test:

State: Killed

PR State: merged

PR Author: Nguyễn Duy Quyền

PR Author Email:

PR: #10350

Committer: quyen

Committer Email:

Commit: d9d6baa3d32d0a05f17f4003962fbcd3245c6601


                                            [FIX] to_partner_dob_send_email: fix automation test:
- The function generate_random_birthday generates a date that does not exist, for example: February 29, 1992
- Assign a fixed date to make the code easier to understand and avoid errors

Branch: 15.0

Instance ID: 0

Age: Not started

Up-time: Not finished