Name: [FIX] to_sales_stock_schedule: avoid cool feature call merge move of odoo

State: Killed

PR State: merged

PR Author: Nguyễn Đại Dương

PR Author Email:

PR: #10218

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Committer Email:

Commit: abf917491331064ba66cdd7a0669bbf298e0f281


                                            [FIX] to_sales_stock_schedule: avoid cool feature call merge move of

-Before this commit, try configurate exactly the same in odoo commit id
: 3fd28250817d7201f76061886dbfaa3d13c1587e and we will have problem are
by default odoo will merge move of same product for us but because in
this module we ovveride the domain to always add [('scheduled_date',
'=',] then this will lead to moves created not merge in the
move that have same characteristic.
-Also this would help fix merge upstream PR
-Note in v16 we already do this

Branch: 15.0

Instance ID: 0

Age: Not started

Up-time: Not finished