Name: [FIX][15.0] to_hr_expense_employee_advance: fix due to new merge upstream

State: Killed finished in 394m

PR State: merged

PR Author: Nguyễn Đại Dương

PR Author Email:

PR: #10155

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Committer Email:

Commit: 03487f1dcd729906d45e55a812de4ab4af22074e


                                            [FIX] to_hr_expense_employee_advance: fix due to new merge upstream

The commit of odoo 230e5beba518c7bfdaedbf4587e25e20c490d4e8
add expense_sheet_id (o2m) in account.move . We both know that if
'default_*' existed in model creation, it will try to assign value for
it, so it mean assign 'expense_sheet_id': 1 which is wrong because
'expense_sheet_id' is o2m fields, hence we remove the context out of
self to ensure nothing wrong gonna happen. We just create entry so no
need to change from 'expense_sheet_id' to 'viin_expense_sheet_id'

Branch: 15.0

Instance ID: 0

