Name: [FIX][15.0] viin_pos_refund: pos order might have 2 line same product but different price

State: Killed finished in 243m

PR State: merged

PR Author: Nguyễn Đại Dương

PR Author Email:

PR: #10067

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Committer Email:

Commit: 0cbe4d16f35f14f540f5c95ca30df4f5c8656fcf


                                            [FIX] viin_pos_refund: pos order might have 2 line same product but
different price

-Step to reproduce: create a pos order with 2 line of same product,
first product we set the default price as it currently, the second one
we set different price -> Confirm -> create invoice -> Go to pos ui to
refund -> Singleton error happen
-Solution: beside filter using product_id, we also filter using
price_unit. In case pos user not changing the price but add discount
then this filtered is still correct.

Branch: 15.0

Instance ID: 0

