Name: [FIX] viin_rental_stock: avoid conflict with original Sale Order

State: Killed finished in 306m

PR State: merged

PR Author: Roy Le

PR Author Email:

PR: #2405

Committer: Roy Le

Committer Email:

Commit: e5b4157552af05362c5f6b0df7556095723ce524


                                            [FIX] viin_rental_stock: avoid conflict with original Sale Order

-Odoo has new test call
test_2_steps_fixed_procurement_propagation_with_backorder at
-Problem is: When run that test with all modules installed, we will
failed about 2-3 time
-Why: take a look at this code
-> the result will always give us 1 stock.rule record but sometime
stock.rule is not the exact that we want it to be. Try removing the
'limit=1' and we will always get 2 stock.rule record , one is the right
for the above test case (with 'group_probagate_option' is 'fixed') and
the other is not. Also try to see the 'order' option include
'route_sequence' and 'sequence' always the same for 2 record (20 vs 20
for 'route_sequence' and 10 vs 10 for 'sequence'), so sometime we will
get the smaller id which is the correct one and sometime the larger id
which is incorrect one
Debugging further more at those 2 stock.rule records , and notice one is
created via 'viin_rental_stock' (try printing '' and
you 'll see)
-Solution: Modifying the domain before performing stock.rule searching
to exclude the 'route_id' of the 'warehouse.rental_route_id' if the
'Sale Order' does not have rental product

Branch: 15.0

Instance ID: 0

