Name: [I18N+FIX][16.0] base_setup: improve translate help fix weird error

State: Killed finished in 254m

PR State: merged

PR Author: Nguyễn Đại Dương

PR Author Email:

PR: #836

Committer: duongnguyen-viindoo

Committer Email:

Commit: a63f3014cbc6bf40ecdae5f69e3afe47e5265487


                                            [I18N+FIX] base_setup: improve translate help fix weird error

-Recently we may occur error when access res config setting in debug
mode (either normal debug or asset debug) and with vietnam language. Try
debugging into js code in print out the arch that have been parsed and
notice a weird sentence: Sử dụng các tài
khoản ngoài (Google, Facebook, v.v.) đ. That sentence
come from base_setup module and here is original : "Use external
accounts to log in (Google, Facebook, etc.)". Error is we have this ''
odd character, so dont know why it there maybe god know :v.
-This commit change to the correct translation of Vietnamese then aslo
lucky to clear out the error

Branch: 16.0

Instance ID: 0

